Long Range Boosted Kit for Phantom 4


*Revision April, 1st 2016*- shorter mount, much lighter and smaller amplifiers, proprietary mmcx to rp-sma cables with long connector, requires no drilling, no soldering, no trimming and can be used through stock antenna holes.

*Installation notes*

installation addendum with pictures to show how to use stock antenna holes is here


The kit is able to hit 15,000 ft in the city with mild LOS occlusions and 6+ miles in the open.


This kit is based on the ever popular FPVLR advanced kit for Phantom 3 and Inspire 1.

With this kit, extreme 9 mile ranges are possible. By purchasing this you’ll take all responsibilities to

fly respecting others, the aviation laws of your country, and general public safety.

Antennas are 10.5dBi LHCP+RHCP half sphere helix antennas.

