
Advanced Kit for Phantom 3 & Inspire


World record antennas on Phantom 3 Pro as seen in the below images, 10.05 miles with plenty of signal left!

*Revision April, 1st 2016*- shorter mount, much lighter and smaller amplifiers, proprietary mmcx to rp-sma cables with long connector, requires no drilling, no soldering, no trimming and can be used through stock antenna holes.


*Installation notes*

A new addendum to the installation with pictures about how to use stock antenna holes properly is here:


Spectacular performance 15K feet in the city with mild LOS occlusions and 9+ miles potential in the open (such ranges need battery mods as well)

This kit includes our

  1. V.2 kit (that retails for 154$)
  2. 2 amplifiers 2.4GHz
  3. external battery + charger (to power the 2 amplifiers)

This kit holds the distance record for P3 Pro with 8.5 Miles and back as you can see in the photo.

Please refer to these installation instructions.


NOTICE: Our installation service is now only 99$ , you can buy it HERE the lowest in the country, beware of scammers who charge 200-300$ to install 2 wires in your controller.

Any FPVLR antenna related question can find answer in the owners’ group here , please join in
